After all of the hubbub about the DNA list, I had to take a look.  Here's
the scoop for those of you who (wisely) refuse to join.
Anyone, absolutely anyone, can submit a name.  The site consists of
only a simple database of names and brief instructions.  There are no
provisions for validating any of the info given, and the group does not
appear to be actively maintained.
Just as bad is the information collected - it's pretty sparse.  It
consists of the "abuser's" last name, the state, and contact info for the
poster.  There is not even a place for a description of why a person is a
supposedly a bad adopter.  If you are adopting out, supposedly you are
expected to contact the person who posted the entry for the details.  I
assume the lack of detail is supposed to protect the group's owner from
libel complaints....
The problem is, though, that the list gives you so little detail to go on
that if you were to accept the list as reliable - which we have by now
established that you cannot - you might deny an adoption to a perfectly
good home based solely on a coincidental match in last name and state.
I found the last name (a fairly uncommon one) of one of my vets on the
list - in the correct state no less!  I have to wonder if this is a
coincidence, or if someone really does have a personal beef with her.
Betty's case is a good example of the danger of this site.  Posters are
*supposed* to enter only last name and state, but there is no filtering
of the content, so if you want to squeeze in additional detail - like a
first name - you can.  In Betty's case, the poster even put in Betty's
contact info, instead of their own as they were supposed to!
This group is so full of holes I'm amazed it hasn't sparked a ton of
lawsuits already.  It needs to be shut down, that's for sure.
roger & the wolverine wannabees
missing bear
[Posted in FML issue 4140]