>Being in California with my 2, I am doing everything I can to show
>responsible ownership and encourage everyone else to do the same!
If you are trying to impress the California Department of Fish and Game,
it's a lost cause.  Ron Jurek and the others at DFG can't and won't go
back on their prior mistatments.  Could you Imagine the press the DFG
would get if they now admitted being wrong.  They'll just keep on using
their positions unethicaly to make sure California doesn't catch up with
the rest of the Country.  I don't know how a guy like Ron Jurek can look
at himself in the mirror, but maybe that's because I believe in Justice
after this life.
Unfortunatley no mater how responsible you are it doesn't matter.  DFG
has found every ferret owner guilty of being irresponisble without due
proccess.  How American huh?  I have made it my mission to make sure
everyone knows how screwed up DFG is.  Stay tuned for more.....
[Posted in FML issue 4140]