Sunday night I watched a PBS special called Animals behaving badly.The
subject was what happens when humans live in close proximity to wildlife
and the animals use the situation to advantage.Among the marauding bears,
monkeys, buzzards and sea lions were critters called stone martens.They
are members of the weasel family and look just like ... you guessed it..
ferrets.  Only big difference is a overall tan body color.  There is an
area of Europe ( ?) where authorities were bewildered by a slew of car
vandalizing incidents.There were over 100,000 reports of a certain type
of car engine sabotage.The situation becoming costly and out of control a
smart resident set up video survailence.  Stone martens ( incredibly like
ferrets) are territorial.  At night they find their favorite car , make
it their home sweet hidey hole and snooze away in the warmth of the car
engine.A particular stone marten becomes very attached to his high tech
hidey hole and if another marten trys to make it HIS hidey hole the first
one shows how upset he is at the intruder by chewing up the engine cables
and hoses.  Over one hundred thousand cars were altered into the ultimate
hidey hole by the clever stone martens before the big dumb humans figured
out what was wrong with their cars.Stone martens Rock.. !!!...
Link to Animals behaving badly
Second subject is Aunt Lili.My daughter has a boyffiend who lives on Long
island.  He went into a petland discounts there.  If you think petco is
bad..  petco is heaven compared to a petland discounts.There was a young
kit in a filthy cage.  No food, no water and the kit was thin ,weak and
clearly ill.  This was in the morning and the boyfriend spoke to the
manager about the kit's conditons.He went back many hours later and there
was no change in the filthy conditions.No food or water either.He tryed
to reach me but could not so he called his Aunt Lili.Aunt Lili is a big
woman .  She marched down to petland discounts and threw a hissy fit.She
yelled at the manager calling him a heartless abuser and asked how he
would like to live in a filthy cage with his own feces , no food and no
water and have people come and poke at him.She called him a scoundrel
when he claimed to be following Petland protocall.She threw the display
of dog collars at him.She ended up buying the kit and demanded a discount
becasue ""the merchandise was damaged"She filed a complaint with the
better bussiness beureau and humane society.The poor kit was being given
hard dry food and could not eat.No one bothered to give fresh water in
his water bottle..The poor kit was crazed with ear mites but could not
even scratch himself.His gums were bleeding.Aunt Lili is now nursing the
kit back to health and happiness and will give him a forever home.
I would like to say thank you to Aunt Lilli and also ROCK ON AUNT
[Posted in FML issue 4139]