Hi all!
I just had to share this!  I guess you would chalk it up to one of the
hazards of having some of your ferrets with free roam, particularly of
your bedroom.
Last night I was up late going through emails because I had been under
the weather last week and not gotten to them.  My husband in the mean
time had gone to bed.  At some point he decided that because of body
aches et al. (it's hell getting older!) he would take a couple of
Excedrin which were in his nightstand.  Well, he got a couple of them
and then reached under the center pillow of our king-size bed (what other
size would you have if you critters that sometimes join you?) to get the
water bottle that he knows I keep under there for middle of the night
drinks (I sleep on oxygen and my mouth gets dry).  What he did not
realize was that I also keep a small bottle of Ferretone under that
pillow for nighttime visitors.  So the bottle he grabbed was, of course,
the Ferretone.  He then proceeded to pop his two pills in his mouth and
chased them with a big glug of -- you got it: Ferretone!  (Hee! Hee! Hee!
Hee! Hee!)
He immediately got up and came to our computer room and in an aggrieved
tone said, "You never told me there was Ferretone under the pillow!"  His
face was looking funny, too.  He then told me what had happened.
Needless to say, being the supportive spouse that I am, I almost fell out
of my chair laughing.  Somehow it did not help when I assured him that at
some time in the future he, too, would find the incident amusing.
So now, thanks to our wonderful ferret friends, my husband will be free
running and sanitary!  LOL!
By the way, he did say I could share this story with "a few friends." I
thought that all of you would qualify as such.
Since I seem to remember a discussion not long ago on the tasting of food
and treat items for ferrets, this seemed to be a good example of the
Give all of your fuzzies a good cuddle and tell them they are loved.
Head Ferret Slave,
Dawn  at Hooked On Fuzzies
PS. Remember - the password to life is enjoy.
[Posted in FML issue 4138]