Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled key cachers...
(Got the keys?  Good.  Let's hide them in his shoe.  He'll *never* think
to look there!)
sunny <[log in to unmask]> mumbled something about:
>I actually worry if there is something they need that I'm not giving
On the other paw, maybe its something *they* want to give *you* and
you aren't allowing them enough time to give it?  Maybe the attention
thing goes both ways.  They want to share your time and need you to
participate.  They also have a tendency to notice our feelings and
emotions and might feel that you need their attention until you "feel
better" to them.
Try playing with them until they go away, no matter how long that takes.
See what happens.  You might also want to pay attention to how you are
feeling (Tired? Stressed? Upset? Confused? Sad?) and see if that feeling
changes after playing with them (when *they* choose to go away).
Todd and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 4138]