People have put a lot of pointers on this in the FML and FHL Archives,
and there is a list of compounding pharmacists used for ferrets which
may help you, too:
Not all meds can be given with fats or with water, not all can be given
with minerals, not all have the meds distributed evenly enough through
them to cut them so it also pays to look under subjects like "medication
tips" or something similar and to ask pharmacists when the need arises.
Remember that we had relatives far away to whom we sent ferret supplies
and money for vet care (not used and not returned) when they took in a
ferret even though they didn't give it the right care, and how she died
early, possibly of heartworms?  Well, after much griping from them they
returned the cage we sent them but it has some bad rust areas on it.  I
suspect that someone here has dealt with that.  Could you tell us how,
WRMQ?  Wolfy Reads My Question?  But if so, who is the "I" connected to
that "my" when it has been said to the entire FML?  Can't be me -- at
least I don't think so... Arrrggghhhh
[Posted in FML issue 4137]