And there my name appeared on the Blacklist Yahoo site for adoption...
Wow, no shock or surprise there.  I knew why it would be there and I
have a pretty good idea of the people who submitted my name.  It seems
that when people can't play by the rules, they get even nastier by
pulling stuff like this.  It's not hard to figure out why either...
For years I have posted to this group and have become known for my
deep love of ferrets.  I took in the sick, the dying, the abused, the
behaviorally challenged and wrote about them to this group on a regular
basis.  I brought to our ferret organization my deep sense of loyalty,
hard work and dedication... but I also brought with it my morals and
ethics which obviously those that submitted my name, don't have.
You see, this happens when people get jealous of the accomplishments
of others.  The problem is that I won't just dry up and blow away when
threats are levied against me.  My husband and I had the Humane Society
at my door one day accused of having ferrets in unclean conditions and
so on.  Oh please!  He stated it was cleaner than the pet stores he
visited!  I also provided him with a letter from my vet making glowing
recommendations of my character.  I doubt my accusers can say the same.
The Humane Society officer was not impressed with the person(s) who
levied the false charge... in fact, they are now ear marked for making
false claims.  I was sure to give them a list of names that would pull
that prank.  Interestingly enough, surprise there was not, especially
when I told them that our organization had had a recent split and this
new ferret group wanted to be the only one in town...
Go ahead and keep playing your childish games trying to drag my name
through the mud.  You will only look like the fools in the end.  I am
known for the care and consideration I take with these ferrets, and this
is seen by those who come to my home on a regular basis, not to mention
the excellent shape my ferrets seem always to be in!  Perhaps you are
upset that people recognize integrity and honesty when they see it.  (A
foreign concept to you.)
To the moderator of the Do Not Adopt group... beware of people who bear
false witness.  They want to intentionally hurt those that do this world
a great service for ferrets simply out of jealousy and fear that they
cannot meet the high standards of another.  By allowing this to go on
without proof is very much akin to the Witch Trials in Salem...
betty and her blur o'fur
continuing now harder than ever to do it
for the love of ferrets...
[Posted in FML issue 4137]