Picked Minnie up tonight and Val said her glucose level was 65 or 68 I
don't remeber.  She said wanted to start her on a High protein diet and
see how she do's them maybe later pred.  she go's back in 2 wks for a
checkup.  Minnie gets 152% protein from all 4 bags of ferret food mixed
together (zupreem,totally ferret,ferretstore,marshall farms) so she gets
enough protein.
There was also a little story about her when they tryed to get blood from
her to do the test, Val rapped her in a towel so only her face will show
and they put the mask on her well after Val and Steph talked a little
they realized Minnie wasnt there she worked her way down the towel so
they fixed her again and then after more talking some more well no more
Minnie she worked her way down the towel again so I think on the 3rd try
they finaly got it right it was so funny when Steph was telling it to me
because she is not a ferret person even though she prefers mine over the
rest she had to laugh about it.  I will up date when she comes back from
her next checkup.
Anna and Minnie
[Posted in FML issue 4164]