Fear Ferret Folks-
Every now and then I find a really neat tip on this list, something
that's such a cool idea that I want to run out and try it right away.
This happened to me the other day, when somebody whose ferrets are a LOT
more reasonable than mine suggested using aluminum foil turkey pans as
substitute corner pans.
I went to the store, bought a nesting stack of enormous, shiny oval pans.
They were cheap, too, at Ocean State Job Lot.  This has got to be one of
the cheapest stores on earth, if you like paper-thin six dollar beach
towels that say nifty things like "Chillin' it in New Hampshire!"  Just
between you and me, the only thing New Hampshire has going for it right
now is something tasty for those ultimate pessimists, those guys who got
off on predicting that the "Old Man Of The Mountain", a natural rock
formation that resembled an old man's profile, would one day fall off
of his mountain and into the lake below.  Three weeks and five days ago
he did.
Go figure.
Anyway, Ocean State Job Lot liquidates things in bulk like all of the
flamingo lawn ornaments that didn't sell retail because they wouldn't
stand up in the dirt without assistance.  The one pink leg would bend, or
the whole thing would fall beak-down into the grass.  Whatever.  Ocean
State sells mostly worthless &^%$ that I can afford.
So here I was with my huge stack of discount aluminum foil turkey pans.
I carefully cut them in half, and shaped the pointy ends so that they
would fit flush into the corners of the ferret room.
Needless to say, my ferrets are not known for their cooperative attitude,
nor for liking ANY change that they themselves do not initiate.  So the
ladies initiated some changes of their own.  They kicked the pan pieces
aside, and crapped on the floor behind them.  Copiously.  Then they tried
to stash what they didn't chew to shiny shrapnel bits..  I feel so... I
am such an idiot.  Shiny.  Lightweight.  Aluminum.  Foil.  Turkey pans.
Alexandra in Massachusetts
Thinking of ways to make oval lasagna.
[Posted in FML issue 4163]