Hi all
Things are a little quieter here.  I have been going around to make sure
all da little ones are content.
A little girl named Solita came in today.  She waz met by Bruiser and
Sassy.  They were glad to see her and her welcome waz warm.  They had to
sit around and gossip for a time and talk about home and things.  Then it
waz off to explore and see all da sights and attractions.  I later saw
them over at da Fields where they were running, rolling and playing in da
grass.  They seemed to enjoy just running through it and playing hide and
seek.  They each had a turn at it and it slowly developed into a game of
chase da ferret where everyone waz chasing everyone.  It looked kinda
complicated to me but then again I wasn't playing and they seemed to know
what they were doing.  A good time and fun waz had by all.  She said to
send her luv and lots of kisses and hugs to her mommy and daddy.
A little girl named Roxie came in later.  I gave her da tour of da place
and showed her all da sights and attractions.  She waz real interested in
da Cheerios Chain and sorta ate out all da fruit ones.  She couldn't get
it dat she could have all she wanted but she will.  After she ate her
fill she wanted to try out her new wings.  I assigned an instructor and
she waz soon soaring away like a pro.  All da airborne stuff she picked
up real quick.  It waz da landings dat she had a little trouble with.
Her first try waz a little painful and da bruises and burn marks on her
chin and nose will heal as they always do up here.  She could not seem to
keep her nose up and it always hit first causing a tumble.  She will get
it though as she is very determined and practices all da time.  She said
she enjoys to fly even if it is a little painful at da end.  She said to
send her luv and ferrety kisses to her mommy and daddy.
I am off for a good fly.  Have to practice to stay proficent.  Gotta go.
[Posted in FML issue 4162]