My lil Finky, I discovered about three months ago, is simply wild about
Mountian Dew.  It is an extremely rare treat for her (once a day maybe
twice if she is really good, and only gets to dry off a damp finger tip)
but she will do anything for it.  If I have a bottle in my hand she will
bark and duke and hop around until I give her a taste and if she is caged
she will lay and stare at the can.  I have found it to be the ultimate
training tool.  Want her to stand up, Dew works.  Hit the litter box just
right several days in a row with no messes, Dew keeps up the good work.
Need to trim nail, tummy + Dew = distracted fettet.  She will even lay
still and cuddle in a chair if she knows Dew is the reward for doing so
(she's only a year old, and wild otherwise)  If I put ferretone on one
finger and Dew on the other, Dew is first, everytime.  However, she will
not touch any other soft drink, not even Dew clones.  I just thought
others may like to use this as another treat.  Does anyone else have
similar experience?
WARNING: DO NOT give them alot.  I would fear the effects of a high dose
of caffine and sugar for our beloved lil fuzzbeans.  The effect could
overload their already speedy body systems.  And I mean good lord, do
hyper carpet sharks really need alot of caffine???
[Posted in FML issue 4162]