Last night Mookie, 7 3/4 yrs old MF, 2nd time adrenal, insulinoma,
couldn't urinate so I did my usual but couldn't get any flow so at
midnight I met Larry at the clinic.  Mookie got a shot of torbugesic and
Larry flushed his bladder getting the urine out but not a consistent
flow.  Urine was relatively clear, not green no mucus.
Thinking something was in the bladder he wanted to do surgery today so at
12:30am, since it was so late, I tucked my sleepy Mookie in one of the
clinic cages and headed for home.  I was being selfish, I left Mookie at
the clinic so I wouldn't have to drive him up this morning.... I got home
at 1:30 and headed for bed a little after 2.  Had a very restless night
and got up about 5.
Larry called at 8:15.  Mookie died during the night....  didn't look like
he'd even moved from where I'd laid him...  Larry performed a necropsy.
Mookie had stones and sand in his bladder and stones in both kidneys.  No
sign of infection.  Larry said he believes he should have sub-q'd fluids
though Mookie wasn't dehydrated.  Larry didn't because he was concerned
he'd block again and he would have because of the stones/sand in the
We don't really know why Mookie died.  Kidneys looked normal from outside
but he found the stones inside and also damage.
Rigor had started to set in so he thinks he died about 5 this morning.
He thinks he might have made it if he sub-q'd him but I'm not sure why
as he wasn't dehydrated.
If he had gone in this morning he would have removed the left adrenal and
bladder stones but not have known about the kidney stones so we wouldn't
have solved the problem.
hugs. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart, F.B.S.
Ferret Family Services
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[Posted in FML issue 4136]