It is with deep heart to have to write this.  My first little girl,
Roxie, aka Roxanne, passed in my arms last night.  She was jaundiced and
I had to force feed her water and soup.  She couldnt stand up, and I knew
she wouldnt make it.  We moved a few weeks ago, out of my ex boyfriends
house whom she did not like and would always bite, and moved in my my
current boyfriend (long story), anyway she loved him, and he loved her.
I had her in bed with us and she would snuggle up in his underarm and
sleep, which I thought was adorable.  We both held her and kept her close
to us, and she finally let go.  I am glad she is not hurting anymore.  I
am also hoping that Sandee will get her in to meet Scooter and gonzo (who
were her best buds), tango, cash, cinnamon, tillis, and chase.  I know
they will be happy to see her.  She was only 4 but i guess age doesnt
mean anything when the good Lord is ready for them to come home to him.
Sandee can you please see if you can find her some fruit loops.  She
would get 2 every other day.  Please also tell her that mommy and daddy
love her very much and hope she is feeling better now.  we will miss her
always and will be there to get her and her brothers and sister as soon
as we can.
Thank you Sandee
[Posted in FML issue 4161]