Hi guys, Guin here again.  My hoomans' have stepped out of the office so,
I thought I would take this opportunity to get some FLO news out:-) My
brother Lance worked his tail off last night to add some new forums to
the site.  Go Lance!!  The new forums are: General Dooking, Member News
for Local FLO chapter announcements, Ferret Sightings, and FLO- HQ.
Lance, Arthur, and myself are working hard on graphics and content, but
due to our hoomans' being around most of the time, sigh......We need some
help.  This is a call to all FLO Ferrets, if you have any plots, plans,
schemes, FLO News, escapades, pics or links to other ferretty sites,
please get um posted.  In order for FLO to take over the world, we must
unite and work together!
As to graphics, we need all you artsy type FLO Ferrets help.  If you have
any ferretty graphics you wish to share, please e-mail them to me at
[log in to unmask]
I will get them up as soon as the hooman gone time will allow.  ACK!!!
Speaking of hoomans, I hear mine coming!!  Gotta run!
Constantly Creating Chaos,
P.S. BIG we have you listed as one of the moderators, it will be a
dangerous mission, should you choose to accept it.....Heh heh heh;-)
[Posted in FML issue 4161]