HI All Just want to remind everyone that the festival will be in Nashua,
NH again this year.  The date is June 28th and the hall is Pulaski Park
Hall.  The event will start with a yard sale at 9:00 am and the games
begin at 10:00 am.  We do have a professional photographer that was
wonderful last year and has new props so the pictures should be amazing.
Don't forget to bring pictures that you already have of your fuzzies as
we also have a photo contest.
If you have any questions or would like directions please email
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Really looking forward to seeing familiar faces and making many new
All ferret must have written proof of current vaccinations of distemper
and rabies.  All ferrets must be in a carrier, when not in a carrier they
must be on a leash.  Hope to see you there!!!!!
Shelter Coordinator
[Posted in FML issue 4161]