We all know how many or most furbies are about socks.  We just don't know
why they're that way, but, oh well, who cares?  It's just another thing
that makes them so cute and comical.
I never ceased to be amused at Daxter when he sneaks up to my pile of
freshly folded laundry and takes off running with every pair of socks he
can nab before I stop him.  My son even opened a fresh package of socks
last week, folded them together and let him "steal" them a pair at a time
"just to keep him entertained, and give him something to do."
Well, today I bought new clothes for my son to wear to camp next week and
all of them were in grocery sacks, sitting on the couch.  There was a
package of men's briefs and a 6-pair package of socks side by side in one
sack.  When I left the room and came back, that sack was on the floor,
but the package of socks was missing.  I looked behind the easy chair
where some of Daxter's "treasures" are, and sure enough, there it was.
It amazes me how the little critter can tell a package of socks from a
package of briefs!
Now I know what to get him for Christmas and all his birthdays!  And I
bet there are socks everywhere in ferret heaven. (o:
[Posted in FML issue 4160]