Hi.  I seem to have run into a problem.  I just got out of the hospital
Thursday.  My cardiologist told me that I will have to have a heart
transplant.  As soon as I got out of the hospital my husband said "one
of us has to leave" before I had a chance to sit down.  I didnt want to
leave because of the animals he didnt take care of them while I was gone
and I have no reason to believe he will now.  Needless to say he left and
stuck me with all the bills.  I have rent due in two weeks so I have to
be out of here then.  My landlord is not understanding and will tell me
to leave.  My family said I could stay with them but they dont want my
ferrets.  They want me to keep one or two and find homes for the others.
I have 3 cats I have to find homes for 2 stay outside they dont like to
come in and one is a little male kitten all black.  The five ferrets are
Harry, Doodle and Fritz (albino, cinnamon, sable all male) bonded have to
stay together.  The two younger ones are Thorne female champaign 8 months
and Tazz sable male 5 months they could probably be separeate if you have
other ferrets or give them tons of attention .Thorne is nippy when she
gets excited and Tazz is nippy he laughs all the time.  Harry, Doodle
and Fritz are not nippy but will sometimes play a little too rough.I am
looking into getting a disabled apartment but they will only allow you to
have one pet and only if you get a doctors note.  I have a chihuha that
is stubborn and will bite any stranger that walks through the door so
finding her a home will be impossible.  I will have to keep her.I have
no income right now but I will have one soon.  My family is going to help
me with the first months rent if I can get into a place and because of
my heart disease and heart failure I recieve SSI.  I havent got any yet
because my husband worked and made too much but now that he has left I
will get it but it wont start until next month.  I live in Missouri about
2 hours from St. Louis.  I have no automobile my husband took it so
whoever can give them a home will have to come to me.  If you are
interested email me at [log in to unmask] Im not sure how long I will
be able to use my regular account [log in to unmask] because the
electric is going to be turned off probably today.  I can check the
hotmail account from my sisters computer.
Please no flames this is hard enough to deal with whithout everything
that is going on right now.
[Posted in FML issue 4158]