In yesterday's FML, Maylyssa wrote:
>"...Not to mention the fat that he watches me bath and shower"
Let me say that I know where you're coming from, girl.  There's just
something a bit humiliating about having someone stare at your flab,
particularly when all you're trying to do is indulge in a little personal
hygiene!  But I gotta tell you, that stuff won't just wash away.  Simply
being conscientious about bathing won't get rid of fat, no matter how
logical is seems nor how vigorously you scrub.  You might try an Atkins
type diet... I've lost 29 pounds in the last 2 1/2 months on it and feel
Sotto Voce from the wings:  "Pssstt..."
What's that? A typo? REAlly? Oh good grief, how embarrassing....
Duck head, exit stage left...
Debra in Fort Worth
(Hee hee....)
[Posted in FML issue 4123]