Hey I just wanted to say I loved the story about the ferrets tearing thru
a 24 pack of toilet paper!  That really made me laugh because I could
totally picture them doing something like that.  Ferrets have such a
curious, mischievous nature.  lol Slinky used to do bratty things like
that a lot, though not quite on that scale.  If we turned our backs for
one second away from our food he would often grab it and run to hide it
with his stash with he kept behind the refrigerator or couch usually.
lol He once took a whole eggroll and was running all over the house with
it trying to make his get-away.  He was very funny, used to torment the
cat a lot, bite the cat's nose and chase her around the house playing.
It was so cute.
Another thing he did that surprised me one time... I had left him in my
bedroom to have free roam while I was at work one night.  Well, when I
came back home I could not find that little boogar anywhere and I was
starting to get worried.  I was sure he was in my room when I closed the
door and there was no place left for him to hide.  Well, after tearing my
bedroom apart looking for him I decided to look under my mattress just in
case by some slim chance he was there... So I lifted up my mattress and
sure enough there he was all flattened out sleeping peacefully between
the mattress and box springs!  haha Ferrets sure do get in to some
strange places.  Anyway just thought I'd share my little story about
Slinky and also let you know I enjoyed the toilet paper story of your's.
Really had me laughing! :)
[Posted in FML issue 4115]