Buddy is scheduled for adrenal surgery on Tuesday April 29th.  We don't
know if Simon needs surgery but if he does he'll have his that day too.
Buddy's surgery will be $225 and if Simon needs surgery it will be a
little less.  We've donations of $65 that I'm aware of so we are still
needing to raise funds.  If you've sent a donation to our vet, please let
me know so I can keep track of funds.  Our only intent is for donations
to pay for Buddy and Simons vet care, no more.  I'll know Tuesday evening
what the total was and will post.
To help Buddy and Simon, please mail your donation with a note stating
the money is to be applied to Buddy and Simon Lamberts medical care c/o
Ferret Family Services account to:
(make check/money order payable to University Small Animal Clinic)
University Small Animal Clinic
2619 SW 17th
Topeka  KS  66604
Hugs to all. tle
[Posted in FML issue 4130]