Hi everyone, Well just in case anyone has missed me, lol.  I'm still
here, but wondering what the heck is going on?  This year is a whopper
for us, with a total of 109 ferrets turned in this year, plus another
80 misc pets, I'm wondering if other shelters are experiencing a large
amount of turn ins.  Is anyone keeping their ferrets anymore?
The sad part is that many are older or ferrets with medical problems.  We
have 4 more ferrets comming in in the next few days, 3 are over 5 yrs
old.  We are in the process of getting our webpage caught up, but there
are two new faces I would like you to meet.
Stormy was originally rescued by a postman in Boulder City back when we
had the 100 year storm, she was found in the gutter after the storm.  she
was given to a family that had ferrets already.  We got a call from the
man that he had a ferret with a large tumor hanging between her rear legs
that drug on the ground and bled everywhere, so of course she could come
out and play because she made a mess.  Ingred picked up Stormy and the
man gave her a $30 check, the cost that he said it would have cost him to
have her put to sleep.  sadly he has other ferrets, one which is adrenal
and one that is suspect of insulanoma.  We are hoping he turns them over
to us before they are on death's doorstep.  BTW, by no means is this
family poor, they could take care of the ferrets if they wanted to.
Stormy had her tumor removed and is recovering nicly and is needing a
sweet caring family to adopt her.
The second new commer I want to introduce is Chewee, another sweet little
girl, owned by an idiot.  Ed and Sandy picked her up for me and the man
said he could no longer care for her, long story, mostly BS.  Her right
side of her face was engulfed by a big open bleeding tumor that got so
big it burst open.  It was the most hidious thing imaginable.  The poor
little girl was forced to live with that sore on her face for so very
long.  Chewee had hers removed a few days after getting to the shelter,
her cage and everything in it was covered in blood from the tumor, and
I knew she could not live any longer like that.  Her recovery is slower
and her face swelled badly.  The swelling is going down and she will so
be ready for a forever home, filled with love and kindness.
Please meet our new kids at our website.  Right now their pics are on the
waiting for help page, but they couldn't wait, they needed surgery asap.
We have so many more to put up on the site.  We have 2 new arrivals from
San Diego, thanks to the wonderful shelter drivers, Dave and Cindy that
went to pick up the two in a days drive to get them to a safe place.  One
is almost bald and the other is a sweet little girl.  I wish I had more
time to post and introduce all the new kids, they are all so special to
me, I love each and everyone of them!  I guess you will all have to come
and visit to see them all and give them love!!!
Also thanks to everyone who entered our raffle in March, the money raised
helped so much with our vet bills.
So go by the website and check back to see all the new faces at 24 Carat
Ferret Shelter!
Take care,
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
"where ferrets are treated like gold"
[Posted in FML issue 4129]