>Isabeau decides it is time to invoke the somewhat wrathful bog creature
>known as 'The Sukie.'  This creature is not to be taken lightly.  Her
>powers are ancient and she is older then any Scottish Weasel Clan.  She
>is an odd creature, living in a bog deep in the foot lands leading to
>the Highlands of Scotland.  Isabeau has a connection with this loathsome
>yet beneficial creature so she decides the time is at hand.
Ah, the First Sukie (after the First Sukien, yet more powerful and of
Welch origin, but you know how removing an "n" can reduce secret
abilities and change meanings).
Yes, my Seer told me of her once when her soaring wagon was flaggin' and
she had to be her own harrier carrier so she could not that day be the
queen of her gas machine, and then my Seer said (soooooo sayethhhhhhh the
seeeeeeeeer...) that it is due to FS's intrinsic influence that I grew up
near salt bogs on Long Island and now live near the Great Swamp National
Nature Preserve.
Apparently, in very ancient times she took a marine biology class in a
place called Settlecott near Tall Pines on a long island from one Ernie
MacErnst and ignored his advice about avoiding a certain spot in the bog.
A ghost encountered her there, a fearsome one, able to animate its
boneless leathery tattooed remains which flopped and flailed as peat
clouds erupted from the nearly headless corpse.  Yes, the cut was far
more than a nick.  Talk about trying to make a purse from a sow's ear!
That leathern thing bobbed and weaved before her as it tried to gain
entrance to her mind and double helix.  She, having a grand heritage,
called up the spirits of Woodhull but her plea was so long and involved
that it lost partial meaning, strength, and continuity in it's meandering
deliverance and some of the protection she sought was missing.  So, she
was left with repeating lessons well learned in grad classes and in
lunch time sit downs near the stony brook eating haggis and mash when
the students would join the profs in pulling apart studies in the cave
and wattle house university anatomy dept -- such as always challenging
concepts and keeping clear in her mind what levels of proof could be
attached to things, being a bit dense about catching jokes, farting too
much, and having chin skin that sags uncomfortably more each year.  The
last I heard her chin skin was around her knees and trips her on not-rare
occasion.  These things last throughout the lines of all Sukies and must
be repeated in each, so sayeth my Seer.  It is due to the farts that if
any Sukie dies she is re-born as wind wherever her ashes reside, and more
than one have been the real source of the Turnpike odor that too many
falsely think marks all New Jersey.
Back to the First Sukie: her warts have cleared up; that's one thing
about that bug it usually will clear up within a few months on its own...
She is still gassy, though, but that comes with the territory.  Hense,
the bubbles...
Oh, WAIT!  You are talking about the First Sukie *Ferret*!  Oh, she
different!  Totally different!  My Seer promised to one day teach me
about her, too, but she's had enough gas in her hover wagon and that
lesson has not yet happened.
[Posted in FML issue 4127]