I received a call last evening from Norma who has two older ferrets and
one needs adrenal surgery.  I've offered to cover the cost of the initial
vet visit to verify the surgery is needed but we need to raise funds for
the surgery.  Norma loves her little ones dearly and wants to get the
medical care they need but, like the rest of us, these things often come
when money is short.  She's agreed to have our vet do the surgery so if
anyone would be willing to donate a few dollars towards the $225 for the
surgery, please email me privately and we'll go from there.
Normally I'd cover this myself but I just put $650 into my car for new
brakes and tires and I don't have any more extra then the initial visit
to give right now.  Please, if you can see it in your heart and finances
to help these little ones stay in their loving home and get the medical
care they need through donating whatever you can, please email me at
[log in to unmask]
And while I'm asking, what about helping the lady in MO too so she can
keep her little one.  I'm offering what little I can to her too so I'm
not asking anyone to do more than I'll do myself.
For those that are cautious, making checks out directly to vet offices,
or calling in with credit card info quarantees the donations go directly
for vet care.
Please keep Shadow, Stretch, and Calvin in your thoughts.  They aren't
feeling well....
Warm hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart, F.B.S.
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our efforts
[Posted in FML issue 4126]