We are going to have so much fun at this fund raiser.You won't want to
miss it!!  And we have some really great stuff for the raffles.
Like a couple of ferret statues,hammies made by Weasel Pals,Dancing
Ferret,an oil portrait of a ferret by Julia,ferret framed prints,lots of
hammies & sleep sacks,treats,ferret paw print food bowls,leather jackets
& sweaters for ferrets,,an etched glass ferret mirror, an unpublished(in
publish now) of a ferret book,to be autographed by the author,A play pad
done by Fran Brown.A midwest cage,bedding sets for cages.And landscape
pictures for the walls of your home.
There is a hotel there that allows ferrets,so contact me if you need that
phone number.Campsites are available as well,but need an RSVP on those.
Our mystery guest is driving a few hundred miles to be there with us &
is an awesome ferret person of whom I'm looking forward to meeting in
And we'll have some baked goods,A ferret cake,ferret cookies,muffins,ect.
And we'll be getting coverage from the local tv & radio stations.
So,come join in our fun & meet some awesome ferret lovers.We ask that no
one brings their ferrets or pets to the festival.
Heaven Scent Ferret Rescue/Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4126]