A ginger little girl bounces in the grass towards a Wolfy that is cursing
her garden as she weeds in the hot TN sun.  The very tiny cute ferret has
something in her mouth.  After a tug of war, Wolfy pulls a ticket from
her wee little mouth.  After inspecting it, she sees the letters WRMQ on
it.  "Dippy, what is this?  Have you been around that stinkin' Oracle
again????  You have havne't you!  Ugh!  What does this 'WRMQ' mean?"
Dippys innocent looking face stares back at Wolfy as she blinks her coal
black eyes.  There is silence from the little futzle.  Wolfy shakes her
head, "Why am I talking to you?  Why am I asking you?  Like you would
know".  The ticket gets tossed aside as Wolfy goes back to fighting the
weeds.  After her back is turned, Dippy gets a wide smirk on her fuzzy
face.  She picks up the ticket, and goes bouncing away with her prize.
Deep in the Tennesse woods, smoke rises above the tree tops.  In a
clearing a woman clad in a midnight blue robe hovers over a pot and stirs
it.  Many ferret creatures bound about her watching.  Even the birds seem
to be waiting in anticipation.  This is not just any ordinary spell she
is working on.  The Ferret Oracle seems to need powerful magic to see a
premonition she had earlier so that she can announce her prophecy to all.
She has seemed to pull out all the stops: the staff, the hairballs, the
pooper scooper, her cauldren, her little red radio flyer wagon of
depends, her splat mat, and yes even a new aid.  She wonders where her
little helper, Dippy, is...
Wolfy's site has MOVED to:
[Posted in FML issue 4125]