Tis a semi bright day at the McFarlane Ferrets home.  Tis been a grievous
time after the demise of their nemesis, McKrackin.  Several of their
beloved brothers and sisters have departed to the Rainbow Bridge, and the
heart was taken from them on warring.  But lately rumors have been
abounding, and therefore the clan gathers.
Mookie, the head of the Clan, clears his throat and calls for attention:
Will ye not be payin attention to me?  Tis rumors about our beloved
oracle bein' spread by tha ghost of McKrackin.  Spunky-get that blue
bunny outta yer mouth, and Joy, quit tryin' ta steal it.  Mugwort-quit
chasin' the others, and Miss Granger!  Will ye get out from beneath tha
cage?  A tiny voice from under the cage calls out-Great Mookie, tis the
three ladies over there, and tha terrible Galadriel who chases me.
Mookie swats Galadriel as she charges by, and respectfully bows to Arwen,
Eowyn, and Storm.  Mugwort whispers to Calvin, why are they so mean?
Arwen turns gleaming eyes on the young Mugwort and says-we three, and
blind Bilbo, came from a bad place, we were saved from a terrible fate by
Marcy & April, brought here to your home ta live.  We three are Amazons,
and we FIGHT!!!!!  Don't cross us boy, we love it here, but we'll na be
takin any thing from anybody.  Mugwort cringes in fear, and Mookie
stomps.  STOP IT!  He makes room for Bilbo, who has wandered over and
bumped into him.  This is the gatherin' of our clan, and all of ye are
now members-get along!  Tis defendin' the right honorable name of tha
Oracle we must be, and we must be gatherin'.  She and the Dippy are
brewin' up a batch of all seein' goo, to see what Clan McFutzle be aboot,
so we must sit and wait till we hear, and we must be gettin along.  We
must star reassignin' our command, and we must be startin' soon.
Rebecca, head scribe of the Crew of Merry Mayhem, aka Clan McFarlane
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and
 taste good with ketchup"
"Support bacteria, it's the only culture some people have"
[Posted in FML issue 4123]