To my FML Family,
Don't slam me!  I love this list and the people who are members, even if
we all get a little crazy and yes sometimes petty OMHO!
Please, Please, Please... if you have a question about copyright and what
it means in an easy to understand format, visit this website"
It was written according to the Berne Union for the Protection of
Literary and Artistic Property (Berne Convention) , it does not cover specific
laws on copyright by country or state (they do differ by each!)
Bill, the author of this site gives permission to post it's link within
the page itself(see "Linking to this site" near the bottom of the
page) and it is not considered spamming a mailing list.  So, I hope all
the links here will come through correctly.
If you want more answers to copyright questions check out the office of
the government that KNOWS the answer:
The United States Copyright Office, you can even ask them a question on
their "Contacts" page.
Of course the USCO site does include the DMCA (Digital Millennium
Copyright Act) passed by the House of Representatives on Aug 4, 1998.
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for
limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their
respective Writings and Discoveries U.S. Constitution, Article 1,
Section 8
Basically, what I guess I'm trying to say is...we only live life once and
if we fill it up every day with negative, How can we ever see through to
the positive!
Suzanne, Sarah & Lizzy
Sadie (r.s), Sparkles (o.o), Cebo (o.-) Razz-Mimi-Taz (*.*) Mitzi (~.~)
and Yuri (-.-)
Stop by and visit the Ranch for a spell
[Posted in FML issue 4121]