Sopranos... Meadow is away at University, (well close to home)... but
her roomie Katelyn came from afar to attend.... Katelyn is going thru
the depression, lonliness and homesickness...she chalks it up to 'missing
her ferrets'... I can certainly relate ;)
PS: Just a little blurb about java scripting to block the 'right click
option' on websites.  The script is ideally a deterrent from one
copying/taking content from others websites.  I have such code on my
site too.  But it is not foolproof, any savvy computer user can still
save graphics.
Look at it this way....if your computer can display/recognize graphics,
then your computer can save them too.  I've yet to know of code that
makes it impossible.
[Posted in FML issue 4120]