SOS is running a raffle for the month of April.
1 - 4lb bag Adult Sheppard & Greene ferret food...donated by Farnam Pet
    Products, the Sheppard and Greene line
1 - treats...Carob/Raisin...donated by Farnam Pet Products, the Sheppard
    and Greene line
1 - treats...Peanut Butter...donated by Farnam Pet Products, the Sheppard
    and Greene line
1 - bottle of S & G Earwash...donated by Farnam Pet Products, the
    Sheppard and Greene line
1 - 2003 Ferrets Calendar by Browntrout ...donated by Diane Burman
1 - sleepsack by Weaselpals, Ada Gibbs
1 - "Igloo" Sleepsack made and donated by Lynn Barker
2 - misc. treats donated by Diane Burman
Toys by Ferrets Are Love, Fran Brown
Crocheted Eggs by Ferrets Are Love, Fran Brown
BUT YOU CAN'T WIN IF YOU DON'T PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tickets are $1.00 each, 6 for $5.00
The last day to "snail mail" payments is Friday, April 25th
The last day to paypal a donation in is Wednesday, April 30th
Kat will be handling this raffle for S.O.S.  [as she is the OFFICIAL SOS
Raffle Lady!!!!] and sending the money to S.O.S.  for distribution.
Paypal payments need to go to [log in to unmask] with "SOS April
Raffle" in the Subject Line.
(Please remember to include your name, e-mail address, and 'snail mail'
address to the 'note' section.)
Checks and Money Orders need to be PAYABLE TO: "Support Our Shelters" and
mailed to:
Kat Parsons
1174 Seminole Ave
Mansfield, OH 44906
Please include a note with your e-mail address on it to send your raffle
numbers to.  Or a SASE, if you want your tickets mailed to you.
Thank you in advance for your generosity...
Joanne Ruffner
[Posted in FML issue 4119]