In a message dated 4/15/03 5:19:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
[log in to unmask] writes:
>On September 29 2002 my ferret Rascal went to the Rainbow Bridge and I
>wanted to do a memorial page in his honor.Not having any ferret related
>images I posted to the groups that I belonged to asking for free images
>a number were sent to me by a lot of members included was the image in
>question all were sent to me by more than one person.I did the memorial
>page in Rascal's honor.I had never been to the Ferret Haven site so I
>had not seen the image there.
Harry - I had asked you previously where you found this image in a
private email - I would like to know what/where these groups are that
exchange possibly copyrighted material.  I'm still interested in knowing
this to prevent not only our image, but other people's images from being
used without permission.
>Also I visited the Ferret Haven site and read the information in her
>section legal information.Not to prelong this debate but the copyright
>date is 2003 my site for rascal was put up in 2002.  I have respect for
>all copyrighted material as I also am a webmaster and do my own designs.
>Feel free to visit any of my sites and you will see that credit is given
>for any material that is used that was designed by any one other than me.
>I hope that this will clear this matter up and put a rest to the debate
>on this list.
The copyright on our page reflects changes made to the website - so if
the last change was in 2002, the copyright would also be 2002.  We have
in fact updated our adoption page in 3/2003, ergo the reflected change
to the copyright.  We will update that again when our adoption page is
updated.  I will also point out that when the button was discovered, no
such credit was given to its creator.
I deliberately did not mention names because I did not want the issue of
who the offender was to come up - that was beside the point as the icon
was removed from your site.  The entire reason for the post was because
you had said that the icon/button was being freely traded and I want
anyone who might be interested in loading it on their site to know that
it belongs to my web master and is not freeware.
I want to thank John and others for their suggestions at locking down the
site and also for their support and understanding.  Our web site has been
part of the shelter for many years now and we are proud of it and I am
very sorry that this type of thing appears to be rampant on the 'Net - if
the private mails that I have received are any indication.  I hope that
the more things like this are aired, the less likely that these issues
will continue to happen.
BIG - thank you for allowing me to air this somewhat OT thread on the
Lisa Leidig, Head Ferret
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea"
[Moderator's note: Lisa, my non-professional suggestion would be to say
"Copyright 2001-2003" or something like that.  Would also suggest, like
Sukie has, to search on Google and Gnutella sites to see just where your
images might have ended up!  It's pretty disgusting, actually :-(  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4119]