Sonam Dasara writes:
>I read with amazement the cavalier attitude of some FML'ers concerning
>the theft of a digital image, a graphic with a specific ferret on it -
>and I used the word "theft" knowingly: not only am I a web-site developer
>by evening, but I am a lawyer by day, and have been one for over 20
>years.  Let me address a few points:
I agree with everything Sonam says.  But I have another point.  Maybe
this sounds a bit simplistic but here it goes.
Stealing isn't nice.  For example, I live in California where our ability
to raise money for ferrets is real limited.  A member of our ferret group
came up with the bumper sticker "My Ferret Is Smarter Than Your Honor
Roll Student" I sold them to raise money for rescue.  I sold them at the
Las Vegas Symposium.  Now you find them everywhere.  Different people
even sell them on Ebay.  LOL I guess we should be flattered.  And no we
didn't have a copywrite on it.  Never once did any person ever ask my
persmission to use it.  Now it ceases to be a fund raising item for us.
My second point is, a lot of times I see graphics and or stories I would
like to use in our ferret newsletter.  And only once have I ever been
refused when I have asked the author for permission to use it.  And have
always given credit to the rightful owner.  I will quit babbling here and
get back to where I started.  Copyright infringement is stealing.  And
stealing isn't nice.  You may not think its a big deal.  And it may not
be to you, but it may be to others.  Integrity is a really nice thing.
[Posted in FML issue 4117]