I used to maintain a website to show off my sweet little floor monkeys,
but kept finding my photos all over the internet.  My solution was to
abandon the site.  However, I still write, sometimes quite extensively
<grin>, and I have not only found my work published uncredited on
internet sites, but also in newsletters, information sheets, and even
plagerized in magazines.  You can even imagine my surprise to note some
of my IDEAS, some shared with the expectation of confidentiality, used
without acknowledgement or permission, or even notification!  There have
been times when I have seen articles in Fancy Publications (Ferrets,
Ferrets USA, and Critters USA) that not only follow the outline I made
when writing a post for the FML, but also used many of the same phrases!
In all cases, the use represents theft, it is unethical, and it is
immoral.  Moreover, it represents a character flaw in the person using
the material (or idea) without permission.  Minimally, it shows the
person is thoughtless, perhaps even uncaring, but at the other end of
the scale it shows the intent of purposeful theft.  How can the victim
know which end of the scale they should assign to the person making the
I have a simple rule.  ASK ME, and you can use my material.  It is that
simple.  I have even given some people permission to use my stuff
anytime, just require them to send a copy of the finished material to let
me know they have used it.  The truth is, if I wasn't determined to get
good information out in the ferret community in order to better the lives
of ferrets, I wouldn't be posting on the FML; I would be sending my best
stuff to "Ferrets" so I could get the bucks.
The difference between a writer (or artist) and someone with an extreme
amount of technical knowledge is the ability to express or give birth
to an IDEA.  That single act of creation defines the difference between
the two groups.  IDEAS are intellectual property, and I know of many
instances where professional careers were ruined because of the
uncredited plagerizing of something as intangible as an idea.  An artist
creating a painting, sculpture, digital art, or any other work has a
tangible product that illustrates the creation of something (this
includes bedding material--Alicia IS an artist!  I have sleep sacks
several years old that look NEW, even surviving "Digger" Mickey Moose and
"Chewy" Tui!  Alicia makes the best stuff I have ever used!).  Even the
creation of a web button represents something of value.  The same is true
of writing.  The claim that changing a single pixel (or perhaps rewording
a post) in no way reduces the impact that an IDEA has been stolen (it,
in fact, shows the intent being one of theft!).  Plagerism isn't
word-for-word theft of writing anymore than copyright infringement
isn't the note-for-note theft of a muscial score (just ask George
Harrison....perhaps a pet pyschic will contact him for you).
There is a tendency for people to suggest theft (or dismissed
expectations of confidentiality, or censorship, or spreading false rumor,
or ANY unethical or immoral action) is somehow ok so long as the
suggested intent is to better the lives of ferrets.  Nothing could be
farther from the truth!  Stealing a ferret from a pet shop doesn't
prevent future animal abuse; only the legal pursuit of justice has that
effect.  Censoring complaints of unethical moderation doesn't help a
mailing list, it only weakens it by driving away people with useful
information (no, I am NOT referring to BIG or the FML, so don't get your
undies in an uproar.  One thing that makes me very proud of Bill (and
extremely loyal towards the FML) is that he allows people to take him to
task--he doesn't censor people when they think he is wrong).  Ultimately,
unethical or immoral acts HARM the people they are attempting to help.
Even something a simple as stealing a button creates a feeling of
betrayal and distrust, making future donations, or even cooperation,
difficult or impossible.  For example, I have found Alicia to be one
of the most caring and sharing people I have ever met, a person who
gives without expectation of return, a person who has essentially donated
her home to sheltering ferrets or creating materials to support that
sheltering effort; the theft of her ideas must leave her with a
tremendous feeling of betrayal and hurt.  Unethical or immoral acts are
harmful, emotionally damaging, and disruptive to the ferret community.
Of course, these are just my feelings on the matter, and you may
disagree.  If you do, please send me your address so I can sneak in
through your window and steal your belongings so I can sell them to help
support a local ferret shelter.  I would greatly appreciate leaving car
keys, cash, and expensive jewelry near your open window for ease of
theft.  That should be an acceptable act as long as the end justifies
the means.  It shouldn't matter if the theft is from your home or off
the internet so long the intent is to help shelter ferrets.
Bob C
[Posted in FML issue 4117]