There had been a hypothesis that there might be later heart effects from
vaccine reactions but this has not panned out.  As you can well suspect
with multiple past ferrets and people on both sides of our family who
get anaphylactic reactions it was something that I wanted to check so I
checked a few years ago not only with vets (one of whom said "interesting
hypothesis but no proof" and others just said "no proof") but also with
allergists and cardiologists.  I was told that there is no known
connection and was even told by one cardiologist that he doubted that
there would be a connection, especially compared to everyday things.
So, as it stood when I asked around there was a hypothesis but it still
lacked proof and it had its strong doubters.  I can tell you that our
families have not been told of ANY problems for which we are at increased
risk due to these reactions beyond the reactions themselves being
dangerous, eye damage from the levels of steroids sometimes used when
combined with ocular hypertension or a tendency toward glaucoma, and
possible cardiovascular risks from the medical routine if heart disease
is already present (but I haven't heard the last mentioned for quite a
large time -- decades -- so I don't know if that is still considered a
caution despite the medical response being needed).  Of course, if a
reaction is not treated soon enough or hard enough then it is possible
for brain damage to occur (which I personally find scarier than dying).
I suspect that if any definite connection is made to further health
concerns I'll be told about them by my physicians since one of them has
seen me react, and other family members who have been witnessed reacting
will be told by other physicians, but so far that is it.  That help?
I'm very sorry to read of Sprinkles' malignancy.
Since Sprinkles began with dark patches and later turned white (roaning),
Sprinkles *genetically* is not a true dark eyed white but is a marked
white who roaned.
Thanks for giving the opportunity to point out something important which
causes confusion repeatedly: that later markings are altered ones (due to
a variety of causes including genetic causes that cause lightening).  The
failure to distinguish between these often causes problems for following
up on rates of some attached medical problems.  For instance a blaze( a
type of head marking) that later roaned to have a white head would be
just that: a genetic blaze who roaned to a panda rather than just being a
panda when a person is trying to follow up on attached medical problems.
I know that you were just referring to the markings, but this is a point
of confusion which has complicated many attempts to follow-up on such
things and you brought up such a good way to mention this which may help
[Posted in FML issue 4117]