Hi Everyone,
My little boy has been sick for awhile.  He has adrenal disease.  About a
week and a half ago he started to go really down hill.  I struggled with
having him helped to the Rainbow Bridge.  His urethra had gotten blocked.
I took him to the 24 hour vet clinic here in Mesa where he had his
bladder and prostate aspirated.  He was also placed on amoxicillan.  We
visited with our regular vet that coming week and he was given another
shot of lupron.  He seem to be coming around although my vet did say that
he didn't think CJ would last another year.  Thursday morning before I
left for work, CJ was up playing.  He was eating, drinking, and snuggling
under my bed with one of his toys.  I thought things were going to turn
around at that point.  When I arrived home that night, I found CJ in the
closet with his mouth pinned to his side.  He was biting down on his skin
and it took me awhile to get him to loosen his grip.  I paged our vet
right after that.  He said it might be from the bladder infection he had.
It was the strangest thing.
I tucked him into bed with me and cried off and on through the night.  I
could feel his little body breathing next to me.  We went in to the vets
and he put CJ on small doses of prednisone and also some noni juice.  Our
vet said that CJ probably didn't have much time left.  It only confirmed
what I already knew.
My heart is breaking into about a million pieces.  I don't think CJ is in
any pain right now.  He is sleepy most of the time but will periodically
get up and walk around.  He gets his medicine three times a day.  He
hates it.  Everytime I scruff him he knows whats coming and gags.  I'm
starting to wonder, what kind of life is this for him?  Every time I see
him eat by himself or get a drink, I have hope that he is going to get
better for awhile.  Then he gets weak again and doesn't want to move,
only to pull through.  CJ is my first ferret.  He is the first one to get
this sick.  The pred and the noni juice are only being used as a last
resort.  It is suspected that he has insulinoma but the vet didn't want
to test him for it because he didn't think it would be wise at this point
to have him fast.
Everyday I look at him and see that the light in those soulful dark eyes
is starting to fade.  I have had friends and clients of mine tell me to
'just put him to sleep.' So much for support.  Like he is some kind of
problem I can throw away and move on with things.  I know the time is
drawing near though when that is going to be a possibility if God doesn't
take him first.  I had made up my mind twice to do just that but he has
pulled through.  Even my vet has said that he has a strong will to live.
The time is coming though.  I can feel it.  And I can't stop crying.
Don't know what I'm going to do without my little angel boy.
Thanks for listening.
With tears,
Jennifer, CJ, Cindy & Pete in Phoenix
[Posted in FML issue 4105]