Hello All,
I keep meaning to post, I just never quite get there.  I figured I would
put my two cents worth in about dog breeds, and ferrets.
I've had golden retrievers about all my life.  I got my first goldie
when I was 3, and I've had goldens ever since.  For awhile we even raised
goldens, anyway I'm getting off track.  I've been around dogs, different
breeds, shapes and sizes all of my life.
I've worked with and trained different breeds.  I would be leary of
getting a beagle because there prey drive is very intense, Weimaraners
are also VERY prey driven.  I my self have recently been looking in to
other breeds of dog, and I've fallen in love with the Newfoundlands, and
I think they would be good with the ferrets, they are considered "gently
giants".  My goldies have always been good with my other animals though,
Epically Honey Bear.
She's been a WONDERFUL mother dog, and she's always been very good with
any of the other animals we've introduced her to.  She lets the ferrets
dance and play all over her, Lilly Epically loooove to BITE honey bear,
and is always trying to drag her off to her hidey-hole.  This little 2
pound ferret is trying to drag off a 100 pound dog.  The ferrets were
just FULL of energy one evening and Lilly was determined she was GOING to
drag Honey off, she attached her self to Honey Bear's hind leg, clamped
down and pulled and pulled for all she was worth.  Honey Bear walked in
to the kitchen, and I don't think I will ever forget the look on her
face, it was Priceless!  She looked up at me like, "Can you please get
this thing off my leg?" Lilly was DANGLING off Honey's leg, just hanging
there with all her might.  I started laughing, I just couldn't help my
self.  I leaned down to help get this elegant little fuzzy snake off
Honey's leg, Lilly released her hold and looked at us like "Fine!  Be
that way!" and bounced away.
So for breeds that would be good with ferrets, I would recommend getting
a golden retriever puppy, and training it from puppy-hood that ferrets
are our friends, not a snack.
I have a rescue golden retriever right now, who keeps trying to kill my
ferrets.  He was yet another case of neglect.  The lady who was getting
rid of him said he was her husbands and they were divorcing, her husband
didn't want the dog, and her teenaged sons didn't do anything with him,
didn't play with him, walk him, train him, nothing and where she moved
too had an old golden and they were scared Diesel would hurt him (his
name was changed when we got him, he didn't even know his name, so we
named him what we liked and what fit him better, much better).  So now
I'm trying to teach him not to hurt the other animals, and that there
not lunch.
My point to all this is, Even though goldens are wonderful dogs, if he's
not trained you can still have lots of problems.  I advocate finding a
rescue and talking to the people running it, and see what they have to
say about that breed, and how well they do with small animals.  Maybe you
could find a beagle that would be great with the fuzzies, but be prepared
to maybe look in to another breed, or be VERY careful with having a
beagle and ferrets in the same household.
I lock Diesel outside while my ferrets are running around the house
playing, after there play time is over, Diesel gets to come back in the
house.  Honey Bear does wonderfully with the ferrets, and she stays in
with them, and some times even plays with them.  So Though I doubt I've
helped at all, I'm hoping maybe I have... but now I'm going to Shut up!
 --Dooks and God Bless--
--Heather and the Weasel Wannabes
[Posted in FML issue 4105]