Muffy is my Sweetheart.My Special ferret (you know the one;)  She is
5 1/2 yrs old.  We recently had her right adrenal removed.  We took
intestine & a lymph as well.Dr Williams sent this report.We are very
upset as this is not good news.The "no lymphoma" news was Great but
IBD isn't good..i know that.DR Williams is out of the office & i need
info,please.Having Web TV i can not access his site & read on this
disease nor can i post on the FHL since it became Smart Groups;(
My Ferret Vet is a state away so it's a long way to go to get info..
Please send me anything & everything you have or know.(URLS or just
experiences) I want to know everything....(plus,is she in pain?)
>Yes, they found it in the lab.
>She has severe IBD - one of the best cases that I have seen, and the
>lymph node is hyperplastic (largely due to the IBD), but not lymphoma.
God Bless & Thank you,
Tara & her Muffy
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[Posted in FML issue 4115]