About the question posted " True or False: Ferrets, like cats, usually
defecate in a litterbox.
>A: False.  Some people have successfully trained their ferrets to use
>a litterbox, but they are the exception, not the rule.  A ferret owner
>should be prepared to find ferret stools in corners and other
>unanticipated places."
I have to say that personally I have spoken with more people that have
successfully litter trained their ferrets than those that haven't.  I
think maybe a better way to phrase that question if you want to keep
the answer the same would be to state that "Ferrets always use their
litterbox."  I have two that are 100%ers and the new baby has about 85%
accuracy.  The newest one that had never seen a litterbox before coming
to us is still working on it, but with the right reinforcement and
encouragement I think she will do as well as the others.
[Posted in FML issue 4114]