To everyone who has been asking for an update on Snowy and Sasha in
Kansas City, Missouri (and thanks for all your care and concern!), I
have GREAT news!!!!
Snowball has been doing fabulous on his Pedia-Pred over the past two
weeks; in fact maybe a bit TOO good ... he's now Mr. Independent and
much more peppy and thinks that he doesn't need his cuddle & fuzzy
kisses time with Mommy anymore :-(  It's MOMMY that actually needs his
cuddles, if the truth be known but I'm just happy to have him doing so
well nonetheless!  His new serum glucose reading as of yesterday was 99,
up from 63, so he received a clean bill of health!  Yeah, Snowy!
Sasha got two x-rays yesterday (she's so plump that the docs couldn't fit
her entire body on the machine for one photo!) but there is absolutely NO
SIGNS of fluid build-up anywhere in her so apparently she is just a plump
little lady who LOVES her food (and could use a bit of fuzzy aerobics)!
AND this means she is clear of any cardiomyopathy or CHF/abdomen swelling
concerns AND her serum glucose level tested at 125 - YOU GO GIRL!!!
This came as such a relief to me as a new and very concerned but loving
mommy and the primary reason for my worries is because my babies are
almost 5 yrs.  old but apparently there is no need to worry for the
moment so I'm just going to love on them as much as I can and not
forget how truly blessed I am to have them in good health!
Thanks so much to EVERYONE who kept my kiddos in their hearts and on
their minds during this challenging time for us; by God's grace we've
made it and we're gunna keep going and going and going ....
Luv, Jennifer Sasha & Snowball  :-)
[Posted in FML issue 4113]