Just wanted to drop back in and give you all a heads up.
I just spent a chunk of the ferret bank account at the vet's office
trying to figure out why Joe had an ugly tumor-like bump on his leg.  One
set of blood tests and a lot of angst later showed that Joe has had too
much Vitamin D in his fuzzy little life and that the most likely culprit
was the vitamin treats he gets.  I've been alternating Ferretone,
Ferretvite and Ferretbites as treats (because, of course, I wanted the
weasels to get healthy treats).  Despite the fact that all three products
say to give daily, the products have now overdosed my little fuzzbutt.
I was very, very careful to follow the instructions on the packaging.
We got treats morning and night only- not umpteen times a day.  My very
knowledgeable vet said that if a ferret is getting a good ferret food,
that at most he should get vitamin supplements once a month!  Joe is now
forbidden to have anything with Vitamin D in it.  Do you know how hard
it is to find treats/food without Vitamin D?!  We've settled on raisins
right now.  (Four out of my five ferrets will eat them.  Bear is still
turning up his little nose.)  And we have another couple of weeks of
liquid prednisone treatment.  Poor, poor Joe.  It's pretty foul stuff
and he's trying to be such a good boy.
At any rate, just wanted to pass the info on.  I had no idea.  Especially
since the bottles/tubes say to give daily!
(Miesa, Joe, Bear, Ringo, & Jeffry)
[Posted in FML issue 4113]