Hugs & Dooks to all
Spaz gave me the scare of my life today...I got up this am and he did
too,,,he didn't look right so I picked him up and he started gagging and
pawing at his mouth.  He's never ever done this before...he wouldn't walk
and he was crying....I scooped him up and off to the vet which is a 2
hour drive away....I was crying and so to the vet and they
had a look at him, x-rayed him to see if he had a blockage and by now
he's fine...he's his regular self.  All perky and taking treats...the
x-ray showed nothing...he's healthy blockages.  I brought him
home..the vet thinks he might have a touch of the flu...since we've been
home he's just slept...he got up once for about a 1/2 hour and then back
to bed...he's drinking and eating a little..he went in the litter box
and poop looks fine....what do you think?
Anyone with any advice or comments.  If he does have the flu how long
does it last and can I give him Pepto bismal or something for his tummy.
I lost my cat of 10 years at Christmas and I don't want to lose Spaz too.
Thanks for all your help in advance.
Kate and the Spaz monster
[Posted in FML issue 4111]