Hi all
Things have been kinda status quo for a while.
A little guy named Scooter came in today.  I gave him da tour of da
place and showed him all da sights and attractions.  He had to stop at
da Fruit Bar and eat all da rasins he could.  We made a date to go to da
Ferretvite Festival and do some dancing.  We headed on over there when it
opened.  He lapped up a lot of da ferretvite and then had to work all dat
energy off doing some dancing.  He is an ok dancer and he kinda danced
with a lot of da little ones there.  He danced and danced.  He made a lot
of friends and danced with all da jills and sprites there.  Must be a
ladies man.  I even got to dance with him once or twice.  But all things
come to an end and when da place closed and they throwed us out we headed
over to da Hammock Haven to get a nap.  He said to send lots of luv and
kisses and hugs to hiz daddy.
A little guy named Buddy came in later.  He waz met by Tigger and a bunch
of others.  They greeted him very warmly.  Then they were clamoring for
news at home.  They sat around and gossiped for some time about all da
stuff and gossip at home.  Then it waz off to explore and see all da
sights and attractions.  I later saw them over at da Tube Park where they
were going through da tubes and practicing for da races.  They were not
real serious about it though and were kinda combining business with
pleasure.  They were running through da tubes at breakneck speed.  They
need to work on their handoffs though as they are a little sloppy.  Their
practice broke down into a game of chase for fun though.  They couldn't
keep their mide on business I guess.  They had a lot of fun though.  He
said to send lots of luv and kisses to hiz mommy.
I am off for a nap.  Gotta go.
Bye BYe
[Posted in FML issue 4111]