Hello Everyone,
The 24 Carat Ferret Rescue & Shelter's raffle is now over.  We are
pleased to announce the following winners:
1st. Place (The American Spirit Quilt) goes to ticket number 693455
(Kathryn W.)
2nd. Place (Ron Lee Clown) goes to ticket number 693413 (Brenda P.)
3rd. Place (The Ferret Chronicles Books) goes to ticket number 693510
(Erin S.)
4th. Place (Hammie & Sleep Sack Combo) goes to ticket number 693421
(Mary Jo D.)
5th. Place (Silver Ferret Wrap Around Ring) goes to ticket number 693429
(Marsha S.)
I will be contacting each of the lucky winners over the next couple of
days to clarify the shipping information of their prizes.
We would like to thank everyone who participated in our raffle, we raised
a Grand Total of $466.00!  Which will go directly towards medical bills
that have accumulated at the vets office.
Best Regards,
Ed & Sandi Fitler
Friends & Volunteers
[Posted in FML issue 4111]