>From:    Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
>"Mommy, does Rocky even know he is a ferret?"
Hi Wolfy,
I think that's actually a good question based on behavioral observation--
I'm quite sure my Amelia never thought of herself as a ferret, or more
correctly, never thought of herself as something different from the
people in her life.  She interacted with people as though she expected
everyone to be equals, even if we were many times bigger :)  I think this
is why she never liked other ferrets; they were a challenge to her sense
of self, because she could see that they were different.  So Sean's
question may have some real basis in Rocky's interactions with people :)
Regina Harrison  [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
blog: http://www.channel1.com/users/regina/zblog.html
Is that my business?  Well, what is my business?  Do I know?  Did I ever
know?  Let s not go into that.  You re not human tonight, Marlowe.  Maybe
I never was or ever will be... Maybe we all get like this in the cold
half-lit world where always the wrong thing happens and never the right.
--Raymond Chandler, The Little Sister
[Posted in FML issue 4133]