Hello everyone,
I have to share my wonderful news and ask for ferret owners input :o)
I have been blessed to rescue two wonderful ferrets in NY recently from a
wonderful lady who had a big enough heart to save them from their awful
environment.  Their names are Gracie and Ozzy (AKA-Felix).  They are
doing wonderful in their new home and so so with their new brother and
First off they got to see the doctor yesterday.  Gracie who was
malnutritioned and weighing at only 0.63 lbs on the 9th of April weighs
an amazing 1 1/12 lbs now!!!! yeah for Gracie.  Her fur is coming in
nicely.  Everyday it is getting fuller and softer.  Ozzy's weight we
do not have to worry about, he weighs a wonderful 2 1/2 lbs!!  He is a
big boy, at least compared to my other two.  Although Harley last
weighed at 2 1/2 does not feel it compared to Oz!
Both of them checked out great, other than ear mites all is well and they
even had first distemper booster which mad me so nervous for my other 2
did not do well with their annual distemper.  But all went well with no
reaction thank God!!!  And the doctor said they are not more than a year
and half.
I am so happy I can give them a second chance at life.  Breaks my heart
to know what they have already gone through.  But will not get on that
discussion.  Just fills me with rage I never knew I could feel to think
of all the a-holes that neglect their precious ones!!!!
The first introduction went well.  A lot of sniffing where the sun
doesn't shine and of course a lot of necking!  They all romped around for
awhile.  My first 2 I think were starting to feel overwhelmed so I let
them retreat to their safe place and let the other 2 explore their new
environment.  The next day went well on and off and this is where I need
some expert advice.  I know it will take time but just would like some
help in the process.
I have only owned 2 ferrets and now I have four.  After bringing them
home from vet yesterday little Gracie and Harley went at it a bit but not
too bad.  She was being a little stinker and was amazed at how she can
hold her own.  I believe Harley can sense she is still not well so pretty
much let her have her way but we did step in and took them to their
corners and all was okay until.........Harley was playing in a favorite
bag of his and Ozzy decided he wanted in on the game.  Harley got pushed
out so I picked him up and put him half in.  Before I new it Harley had
Ozzy by the neck dragging him out and that's when hell broke loose in my
living room.  Poop was all over, noises were coming from Harley I never
knew he had.  Tails were poofed and neither were happy.  I thought they
were going to kill each other and my husband thank goodness stepped in
and separated them.  Things calmed down.  They went and sniffed each
other and that was the end of it until this morning.  I have a rolled up
paper bag made into tunnel and both were checking it out.  Harley was
being a brat and kept pushing him with is body away.  Poor Ozzy was
trying to lick Harley's neck and play (Forgot to mention Ozzy does play
rough and bites hard, will have to deal with that a little at time)
Harley just wasn't having it and it started so we pulled them apart.
Harley went his way but Ozzy was being persistent and so we just
retreated everyone.  Think it was enough for one morning.
My first 2 have or had complete roam of the house, on one hand I do not
want them to feel neglected but on the other I do not want the other 2
to feel they are not welcomed.  My husband is having a hard time all
together because Harley and Whiskey, especially Whiskey have a very
special bond so I know it is hard for him to stay neutral.  I feel he may
be overprotecting Harley & Whiskey and am not sure that is a good idea.
I want to to do what is best for all and know in good time all will be
I do not know what to do about the fighting.  Should I let them go,
however it was getting nasty and like I said Ozzy does bite hard and is
on the rough side.  But I know Harley can be just as rough.  The 2 little
girls are fine and there has not been any more problems with them.  Ozzy
can even get nasty with Gracie.  Pulled her right out from under couch
while she was sleeping.  Poor little baby.  She is such an adorable
little girl.  She definitely likes to be cuddled and hand fed and am
loving every minute for my other two are not so cuddly.  They have their
own mission and cuddling is not one of them :o)
So now that I have rambled on and ask for someone be kind enough to help
me through this.  They are all so wonderful and want what is best for
them all.  Ozzy definitely has his own personality and I love it but He
does have some rules to learn LOL He is like the school yard bully who
loves his shoes LOL
Thank you for listening and look forward to hearing from you.
Donna, Harley, Whiskey, Gracie & Ozzy
[Posted in FML issue 4133]