Don't feel too bad.  My 6 mo Albino Annie, who bit like crazy when I got
her, came up to me.  I was a little apprehensive as she put her teeth on
my finger.  However this time she didn't bite!  She put her teeth gently
on my finger and started trying to drag me to her hidey hole!!  She has
since grabbed my shirt a few times and started taking me away!!  So, my
point is, being taken to a ferts hidey hole CAN be a compliment!!
Good luck.
Sue & Crew....Princess, Oscar, Nikki, Annie, Sammy, Chance and Storm
From the Bridge....Smokey, Bandit, Boots, Samantha, and Tori
Forgot to tell you.  Bigger and established in their homes will go after
the new one.  Doesn't matter young or old.  They are just trying to tell
the new comer,"Hey this is my turf , Shrimps" I though, when I was tring
to integrate Storm.  I thought Sammy, my Alpha would kill him.  And yes,
like your situation, Chance would scream bloody muder, and cry.  I
thought they would never be friends.  BUT NOW......they're best buds.
Have you done the putting them in a separate cage than your bigger
ferret, and then putting it up close to the established ferret(who is
safely away from the babies in his house.  Or rubbing your hands in the
babies fur and then rubbing that all over your other fert?  Worked for
me.  BUT, this is just my 2 cents worth of suggestions.
Again, Good luck
[Posted in FML issue 4093]