Just thought I'd mention...I was reading a magazine the other day (in the
checkout line -- probably "US", but I don't remember), had profiles of
the recent crop of too-cool-for-words Gap models.  One of the little
ones, a 1 1/2 year old girl, she lives in the midwest somewhere along
with her favorite play pals...2 ferrets.
Oh, and Linus' distaste of diazoxide is not exactly the end of the world.
I had just gotten so used to giving him his meds, and he would lick them
right up, yum yum!  So with the diazoxide I have to get ahold of him,
pull him out of his sleepy sack actually, I feel bad when he's sleeping
(though he does that lots nowadays), and most of the time I can hold him
and give him the med.  When he's up and around though and I have to pick
him up he has more energy and so will resist.  But, giving him ferretone
beforehand has the same effect as giving him the yummy meds first.  He
pretty much eats anything after a ferretone experience.
Does anyone have an incontinent ferret?  How old is the ferret?  Could
you see it coming (could you see the ferret becoming incontinent)?
Before Linus' recent health setback, he was really good about going
into the kitchen or the bathroom to "powder his nose".  But nowadays, he
just pretty much goes, wherever he is.  He hasn't soiled himself while
sleeping yet, though I have found some poop and a couple drops of urine
uncomfortably close to his sleepy sack.  It's hard to tell how that
happened.  Some was actually on top, and I am wondering if he woke up
from a nap in a hammock, had to go, started down the stairs in the cage,
and didn't make it.  Anyway, he'll be 8 in April.
Minta & Linus
[Posted in FML issue 4092]