As much as I appreciate the invitation by Dr. K to test my ability in a
situation where I am doomed to fail, I will have to graciously decline.
The only "confirmation of my ability" that I personally require is that
which I receive from those who's animals I communicate with.  I imagine
that this is where I will receive requests from the bashers to
communicate with their animals so they can turn around and report that I
have failed (whether I have or not).  Nice try, but I'm one step ahead
of this game.  Communication with animals is very different than the
exercises given in these "telepathy tests".  I have already tried object
tossing between people.  Doesn't work.  Because "no one has ever passed",
I suppose this serves as blanket proof that psychic ability does not
exist.  The mind is capable of extraordinary ability.  ( beyond bashing
and skepticism) I suppose a 100% failure rate of said test serves as
blanket proof that psychic ability does not exist.  Period.  Therefore,
the likes of John Edwards, Sylvia Brown and Sonya Fitzpatrick are
supposedly scheming individuals out to make a buck.
Also, forget the "psychics" that are used by police departments to help
solve cases (succesfully too, I might add).  I suppose that their visions
are clearly just coincidence?
Tara, et al: Feel free to "mention names" when you have future concerns.
Posting under the assumption that no one will know the parties involved
insults the intelligence of the FML and implies that I have something to
hide, which I do not.
RE: Sukie's comments.  AC is not a matter of "being a good listener".  I
am able to answer authenticating questions to verify that a communication
is indeed taking place with the animal in question.  I am able to
communicate answers that only the animal and their human companion would
have knowledge of.  Some examples:
When I was communicating with Tasha, the ferret of Amy and Dave Seyler, I
had a vision of a dark pine green porch.  Their neighbor's house is this
exact same color.  I had no way of knowing that.  When communicating with
Dee Vecchione's ferret Fozzie, he told me that he sleeps with stuffed
animals since his ferret buddy had passed.  Again, I had no way of
knowing that prior to the communication.  When asked who they are most
bonded with I have been able to accurately describe those ferrets that
they are indeed most bonded with.  I do at times get thrown off, for
instance I recently communicated with two dogs.  Their human had an
"authenticating question" for me and wanted to know how many puppies were
in the litter of one of the dogs.  I received numbers of 4, 1 and 5.  I
was totally confused and took a stab at it, guessing 5, but the dog had
also indicated that she and the other dog were pregnant at the same time.
The actuality of it was that one dog had 4 puppies, the other had 1 but
it passed away.  That makes a total of 5.
Yes Kris, for once I am forced to agree with you.  All of us do have the
ability to communicate telepathically with our animals.  It does however
take time, a quiet mind, confidence and a sincere belief that our animals
are as emotionally capable as humans.  It is very common among the
skeptics to feel a certain superiority to animal life.
I want to thank everyone who has spoken out on my behalf as well as
sharing their positive experiences with AC.  I would also appreciate it
if the person who posted anonymously several FML's ago would contact me
privately.  This is the first I have heard of the bad experience that Amy
Seyler had and I was absolutely horrified.  That is nothing more than
abuse of trust and I am so sorry that she had to endure that.
One final note.  I find myself wondering how one can ever hope to hold
the respect of others when they speak publicly against something they
boast belief in privately.  I apologize if this fires things up again
but could not let this go without my "final thought".  I will even spring
for the gas money to fire up the tractor if we have a need for Switch &
Lily's bulldozer service.
Contemplating life as a begonia,
Kim at SUMS
Fuzzy Hugs from Kim and da kids at Somethin Up My Sleeve Rescue
Ask me how you can virtually eliminate the need for veterinary dental
[Posted in FML issue 4092]