Thanks again everyone for all your words.  I do not feed her Twizzlers,
and I think she emptied my bag I had months ago, two months to be exact,
and she never ate them, just stole them, and stashed them.  I put new
furniture in the living room, and suddenly, under the bed stash spot is
not as good as under the couch, well, it is for a while, but then she has
to put some back under the bed, hell, I don't understand, maybe she has
to keep equal amounts in each stash spot.  Anyway, she must have decided
to try some since she was relocating them.  She only had two "bloody"
poops, so she must have not ate very much.  And I will watch her to make
sure she doesn't eat much, she certainly hasn't stopped eating her
regular food.  Once again, thanks, and I think I will call my vet to tell
him so he can laugh too...poor guy...crazy woman calls....ferret bleeding blood in stools...but a high sucrose reading......ugh!
P.S.  Does anyone know if they make ferret goggles?  My ferret likes to
ride with me on my bike but the wind seems to bug her eyes, I know it
does mine.  Thanks again.
[Posted in FML issue 4091]