Wolfy, you're absolutely right.  They also told us DDT was safe....and
malathion....and saccharin....and margarine....and cigarettes....
Sometimes it's deliberate deception, but much of the time it's just plain
lack of knowledge or lack of *known* dangers.  Many of those things above
were thought to be safe at first, until time and additional investigation
proved them not to be.  Most likely the guys laying down borax in your
homes were assured by their companies that the stuff was safe, too -
would you knowingly take a job handling a hazardous chemical all day long
without adequate safety precautions?
To give fair voice to the opposition, you can still dig up plenty of
references that say that borax is only slightly more dangerous than table
salt.  But, the way I see it, I lose nothing by mistakenly assuming that
it is dangerous, but I stand to lose a lot by mistakenly assuming that it
is safe.  So, right or wrong....I'll take dangerous.  Unlike the use of
some potential dangerous medications, there just isn't enough potential
gain to take that risk - there are plenty of other ways to deal with
roger & the wolverine wannabees
missing bear
[Posted in FML issue 4087]