Thank you to all responded to my email on the rabies vaccination
question.  I wish I had asked earlier though so I could actually read
the responses before getting there and not after I get home.  It was
almost a disaster.
Roo - 1.17 lbs.
Bandit - 1.55 lbs.
Oddball   1.20 lbs.
All vaccinated for rabies and distemper and over-all checkup was very
Bandit had a reaction to the vaccine!  More than half-way home from the
vet who does my exotics and ferrets (I live 73 miles from there), Bandit
started having bloody diarrhea.  I only waited 10 mins not listening to
my better judgment or the others who have said to wait at least a half
an hour.  The vet said most reactions come on after about 10 mins so he
should be fine to go home.  I didn't feel comfortable with that, but went
anyway.  He was also lethargic just laying on the bottom of the cage
carrier, slightly panting.  I called the vet from a gas station with 3
mins left on my phone card and she said he needed to be seen.  I couldn t
get back there for at least an hour so asked to go to my local, closer
vet.  Dr. Phillips said to do that and get him a benadryl injection.  I
got to my regular about 20 mins later and got .33 cc of benadryl for him
and he is now resting peacefully.  Next year they will ALL be
pre-medicated with Benadryl.
I have learned my lesson here.  I have scolded myself.  I was lucky
and it could've been much worse, I know.  This could have cost him
his precious life.
They are all fat!  Much fatter than when I first got them.  I know
they put on their winter underwear and fatten it up, but I think I was
spoiling them too much on duck soup, too.  2 full jars of baby food with
equal amounts of heavy whipping cream every morning.  I ve cut it down
to one jar.  Plus that gets expensive!
Still missing Yuki (Her memorial page is's not great, but it's
special to me just
click on Tama noYuki's thumbnail.  Thank you again to all who made her
passing easier.)
   _//      _\\
Henry County Humane Society
[Posted in FML issue 4087]